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Instrument-assisted soft-tissue mobilization, a manual therapy technique collectively known as IASTM, is rapidly gaining popularity nationwide. Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization, or IASTM, has become a general term to describe the use of any instrument or tool to massage, mobilize or manipulate soft tissue structures. However, within this general usage, there is enormous variation in the depth and complexity of its application. This ranges from techniques to improve general tissue mobility to instigating a remodeling of soft tissues or stimulating neurological drive to create dramatic changes in the range of movement. IASTM is an advanced form of myofascial mobilization primarily used to detect and release scar tissue, adhesions, and fascial restrictions. When coupled with stretching and strengthening, IASTM is intended to improve connective tissue function. This technique allows a clinician to locate the area of the adhesion in the soft tissue involved through vibrations or undulations of the instruments in the clinician’s hands. The clinician may utilize the instruments to break up the abnormal cross-linkages between muscle, tendon, or fascia and return the injured area to its optimal function.

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